Real Value of Money

Real Value of Money

October 28, 2012 | Todd Cyphers
Luke 16:1-13

Real Value of Money

Luke 16:1-13



I. Use wealth for eternal friendships.


II. Be faithful and get more “true riches”

 Matthew 25:34-40            Page #988

 2 Timothy 2:8-13              Page #1191

 1 Corinthians 3:10-15       Page #1142

 1. Fullness of reward

 2. Fullness in reigning


III. Serve God and use money.

 1. Pursue Him

 Psalm 105:4 - Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face continually

 2. Pursue His Kingdom

3. Pursue enjoyment

Ecclesiastes 5:18 -Here is what I have seen to be good and fitting: to eat, to drink and enjoy oneself in all one's labor in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward.  Furthermore, as for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, He has also empowered him to eat from them and to receive his reward and rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God.



This week’s Transformation Scripture:   Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!  2 Cor. 9:15 (NASB)  (CRefs.-1 Tim 1:12-14, Rom. 8:32, Eph. 2:8)

Monday,10-29-12 - Reflecting on Yesterday   

  1. Read Luke 16:1-13 and discuss Sunday’s message with someone.
  2. What is the best financial advice you have ever received?
  3. Do you pass on this advice to others?
  4. What is your biggest challenge concerning material stuff?

Tuesday, 10-30-12 -Reflecting on this Past Sunday

  1. Read Luke 16:1-13 again and ask God to reveal truth to you.
  2. Read Ecclesiastes 5:18-19. What is important concerning our material blessings?
  3. Hosea 2:8  What problem did Israel constantly have concerning wealth and how do we prevent this from becoming our problem?

Wednesday, 10-31-12 - Reflecting on this Past Sunday

  1. Read Luke 16:1-13. Now read Mark 4:19. The man was shrewd in Luke 16, but what else was he?
  2. Read Prov. 10:22. What is the principle here concerning wealth?
  3. Read Prov. 13:7. What is the principle here?
  4. Pray for God’s people to use wealth correctly.

Thursday, 11-1-12 – Preparing for this upcoming Sunday

  1. Read Luke 16:1-13. As we head to part two this Sunday, what has God been showing you concerning wealth and possessions?
  2. Read Matt. 6:19-21.  What truths does He want you to know?
  3. 1 Tim. 6:9. What is the problem with “wanting” to be identified as “rich”? See also Matt. 6:25-33.
  4. Read Psalm 49:10. Why is this important to really know?

Friday, 11-2-12 – Preparing Ourselves for this Sunday

  1. Read Prov. 23:5. What is true about worldly riches?
  2. Read James 5:3 carefully. What is the warning and the problem with focusing on wealth? See also 2 Cor. 4:16-18.
  3. Pray we would all be faithful in our stewardship.

Saturday, 11-3-12 – Preparing for Tomorrow

  1. Read Heb. 11:26.  How did Moses escape the clutches of riches?
  2. Matt. 19:21   Why would Jesus ask someone to do this? How would we know if He is asking us to this kind of life?  Why does He not ask everyone to this type of life?
  3. Pray for tomorrow’s time together and our world leaders.