The Amazing Possibilities that Await!

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Today has the possibility to be a historic day after the elections yesterday. Amazing possibilities await us now, today. Here is what it looks like….

We go out today and be salt and light. We, the Body of Christ, keep being who we are no matter who is in office. We ask the Lord to give wisdom and integrity to those who are in leadership. We ask that our leaders would trust in the hope of Proverbs 4:11, I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in upright paths.

Most importantly, we get to share the truly Good News that there is no other name under heaven for all people to experience salvation except through the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:12)

What we know for sure, if we live long enough, the individuals placed in political office after last night’s “historic” election will one day be removed by us the people, by circumstances, or by death. We also know that God will never be removed from His throne. Today could be truly historic; someone could come to know the Lord. 

This Sunday a veteran will share a little of his story of having the privilege of being salt and light in the military and in everyday life. We will look at encouraging others through sharing the Gospel from Acts 18:5-11.

