Why Community Groups?

Posted by Brad Wingler on

Our name, “Millcreek COMMUNITY Church”, directly reflects our desire to both gather as community and reach out to our community. Too often we might hear the word community and believe that could mean “hang out time” or “spending time with friends”, but we believe that community is both a noun and a verb. Community are those people around you in your daily rhythms of life (noun). Community is also what we enjoy doing. Community is living life together, encouraging each other to grow more like Christ, and pointing one another to be making disciples who make disciples (verb).

Ephesians 4:11-16 teaches that God gave the church different roles for the very purpose of equipping the saints. He created the church to exist in community, not isolation, in order to be made into the mature image of Christ. We need that community if we ever expect to grow mature in all of life.

So, why Community Groups? Here are three main reasons:

1. These groups meet in Christ-centered community.

From the beginning man is created to reflect the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). The Triune God exists in perfect community, and as we are made in that image all humanity is created to desire community. Gathering regularly with people in a community group fulfills a purpose in our life to rightly “image” God. These meetings may be a regular “Tuesday 7-8:30 meeting”, but that would be the start of community. Community is not a meeting; community is living life together in everyday rhythms.

2. These groups serve their community.

Not only do we spend time together, but we spend time caring for those in our communities. As we grow in our Christ-likeness, we want to serve others (Mark 10:45). This may mean your community group “adopts” a local school meeting needs they have in the name of Christ in order to see relationships built and transformation occur. Serving may mean that you take inventory of your neighborhood’s needs and then develop a plan with your community group in order to address concerns. This could be as simple as raking leaves, to asking neighbors how you can be praying for them regularly, or even hosting a block party. Through this service the aim is to see people come to know Christ in a personal saving relationship and then grow in Christlikeness to become disciples who make disciples.

3. These groups share the gospel within their communities.

As we gather in community, and serve our communities, we must always remain Great Commission focused (Matthew 28:18-20). Community Groups are not meant to remain closed Bible studies (although they may for seasons), but are meant to use the study of Scripture to equip people to reach out and invite their personal communities (family, friends, co-workers, neighbors) into a community of Christ. This allows a person to see what it means to follow Christ. This also offers a good place for people to come, ask questions and have dialogue about following Christ that a larger gathering, like Sunday morning worship, does not allow.

If you are interested in joining a Community Group please contact me ( and we will connect you with a great group!
