Our worship gathering will be outside on the lawn. Families are welcome!
Listed below are some suggestions:
- Please bring your own lawn chairs or blankets.
- Bring a water bottle, bible, phone, pen and a journal.
- The large canopy will be set up this week to offer more shade.
- Several small canopies will be set up as well.
- Masks are optional. If you are more comfortable wearing a mask, there will be an area available near the parsonage with more social distancing.
- Registration is not required.
- Printed note sheet and song lyrics will be available this week. You will also be able to find them on the MCC App under the heading "Sundays"
Invite your ONE!
Masks are optional.
Registration is not required.
If the weather is not conducive to having it outdoors, the gathering will be moved to the sanctuary.
Please watch your emails and the website for updates throughout the week.
If you have any questions please email the church office at .