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Reading and Living God's Truth

by Todd Cyphers on March 30, 2019

 Jesus said, Sanctify (that is to be set apart in this world, make us ready to live for Jesus) them in the truth; your word is truth. (John 17:17)

 What an important scripture. Two important questions are: How do we begin reading the Bible to meet the Lord and hear from Him? How do we continue to meet Him in His word?

  1. Set a Time and Place. Plan a specific time and make Bible reading a regular habit. Find your spot, bring a pen or highlighter, bring a journal and hear what He says to you from His Word.
  2. Put the Bible Where You’ll See It. Place your monthly or weekly memory verses on the bathroom mirror or in your Bible or on your phone. Set your Bible out where you meet with the Lord Jesus.
  3. Follow our Reading Plan.If you get behind, it’s okay, just pick up where you left off. Pray, “Lord, make this a delight to me and let me see Your face” (See Psalm 105:4) you can pick up a book mark at MCC or see the worship guide or web site to know the weekly reading plan.
  4. Find Your Faithful People. God’s people can make your commitment stronger. Ask the Spirit to enable you to continually stay in community and hear from Him.

 God is the best company you can enjoy in the morning, during the day or at night. Meet Him often in His Word and make it a way of life.

 Summer is coming. The sun will be out more. Let’s keep meeting the Son in His Word and encouraging one another to keep meeting Jesus.