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Reading the Scriptures

by Shawn Steiner on October 09, 2018

Can you believe that the average American reads 16.8 minutes each day outside of school or work? All the while, we are spending closer to 10 times that amount watching TV, and social media is quickly rising in the amount of time it consumes in our day.

There will always be obstacles to prevent us from reading the scriptures.

Busyness.    Lack of desire.   Misplaced priorities.

Sometimes the setback is that we never knew someone so desperate to HEAR from God and to know Him more through His word.

But what if our children saw this?

What if they saw parents at home, and people at church that were desperate to HEAR from God through His Word? What if they were invited into God’s story; a story that expresses our need for Christ as He is revealed through His word? What if they were taught how to read the scriptures, how to pray to the Spirit for understanding, and what it looks like to live them out each day?

Through-out the various stages of the MCC Disciple Making plan we give our children, pre-teens, and teenagers Bibles. Why? Because these are the Words of life.

Please know that we aren’t looking to just give them a Bible and move on. Together we open the pages and explore the greatest story of hope ever told. We celebrate that Bibles are being opened up at home and in church.

From an early age, children see that the scriptures are cherished at MCC; this is how we know Jesus. As pre-teens they experience community and grow using Study Bibles, recognizing the love that is outward when we follow Christ. Our teens learn the HEAR journal study method and are taught how to engage the scriptures regularly in personal devotions and together in community. They can make disciples, inviting others into God’s story.

We study the scriptures with them ALL because it’s our heart’s desire that they love God, love others, and make disciples.


Check out the photos of our teens at their recent Fall Retreat where they learned to study the scriptures on their own and in community. Can you find the Kindergarten kids receiving Bibles at Kid Connection in the mix?