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by Todd Cyphers on December 16, 2020

I am on the mend from COVID. Every day I get a little stronger. Working now and also resting as needed. Glenna is doing well. We are not sure she ever contracted COVID, but she has been quarantined so long she has almost reached hermit status. 

We are all ready to move forward. “Move forward” are two important words here at MCC. Our leadership team is inviting you to join with us to pray these three prayers.  Lord willing, we look forward to meeting in person in January.

Our three prayers: 
1. Unity at MCC and in the Body of Christ. This season has been stressful. Just about every week, the leadership team feels like we are having to choose between really good friends. The mask or no mask friends. The gather or not gather friends. The social distance friends or the let’s not worry about it friends. We are stretched like many of you.   
So, here is our prayer we will pray together this week:
John 17:23 - Jesus prayed… “they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that You sent me…” 
2. Extermination of COVID and Healing. This pandemic has been going on way too long. COVID has hurt many of us spiritually, financially, physically, emotionally, and relationally. Those with COVID, those in quarantine, and those taking care of others; we all need some reviving and healing.
So, here is our prayer we will pray together this week:
Jeremiah 17:14 - “Heal me (and others), O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.”
3. Return of the church and evangelism. Many of us really miss our public and in-home gatherings. We also miss being on mission in the world with the Good News of the resurrected Jesus. Although 2020 has been a rough year, we want the 20/20 vision laid out in Acts 20:20.
So, here is our prayer we will pray together this week:
Acts 20:20 - “I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable and teaching you in public and from house to house.”
Prayer is not just hard work at times, it is the real work of effective life change. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. Join us in prayer and let’s watch God do His work.
Love God, love others, make disciples,
Pastor Todd and Leadership Team