2-15-15 Will You Return?

2-15-15 Will You Return?

February 15, 2015 | Todd Cyphers
Malachi 2:17-3:7

Malachi: A Conversation With God #6    
Will You Return?  
Malachi 2:17 - 3:7 
Page # 952

 Jeremiah 7:1-26  Page #759

IIs it worth it to follow the Lord?  

1 Corinthians 15:19 – “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.”  

Psalm 73:3 - “For I was envious of the arrogant as I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”

Psalm 73: 7 – “Until I came into the sanctuary of God; then I perceived their end.”

Psalm 73:28 – “But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.”

~ It is worth it to follow the Lord if I truly encounter the living God and I am moved to proclaim His greatness to the world.

II. Who is truly right with God?     

~ Those who delight in the Lord, walk in righteousness, and care for the least of these.  

Deuteronomy 15:7 – “If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother.”   

Proverbs 14:31 – “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”

III. What will it be like when the Lord returns?   

     1. God will righteously judge all who loved false worship.  
     2. God will righteously judge all who lived immoral lives.  
     3. God will righteously judge all who were marked with lying
     4. God will righteously judge all who have oppressed the least
         of these.
     5. God will fully cleanse and welcome all those who delight in
         Him, walk in righteousness, and do justice.  


Faith Sheet

Transformation Verse (February) - …do not grow tired of doing what is right.  2 Thessalonians 3:13

Main Themes:

~ We all have questions to ask the Lord. He is willing to give answers and more. (Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 25:4-14, Matthew 13:10-17)

~ It is worth it to follow God if we really know Him and are living out our God given purpose. (Psalm 73:28, Matthew 19:28-30)

~ God will soon judge the living and the dead, and we His saints will also judge with Him. (Revelation 21:8, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, 6:12)


   #1- Reviewing This Past Sunday
Malachi: A Conversation With God #6
Will You Return? 
Malachi 2:17 - 3:7   

1. Read Malachi 2:17-3:7. Discuss the message with someone.
2. Who is truly right with God? Explain your answer from
3. Practice explaining the Gospel story in two to three minutes.
4. How would you answer if someone asked you; “Is it worth it to
    follow the Lord?”
5. Read Matthew 25:31-46. How can we tell the difference
    between the truly righteous in Christ and those who only
    profess to know Him?

 # 2- Preparing for Next Sunday 
Malachi: A Conversation With God #7
Will You Rob God?
Malachi 3:7-12 

1. Read Malachi 3:7-12. How are the Israelites robbing God? (8)
2. What is happening to the nation? (9)
3. What are God’s commands and promises from verses 10-12
4. Read 2 Corinthians 9:1-15. Write out God’s principles and
    promises for New Testament believers today. Discuss with your
    family or group what gives you the most joy in giving?


Series Information

Other sermons in the series

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Will You Honor Me?

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Feb 22, 2015

Will You Rob God?

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