Exile and Return: "The God who is Always Worthy of Our Allegiance"

Series: The Gospel Story

Exile and Return: "The God who is Always Worthy of Our Allegiance"

January 14, 2018 | Brad Wingler
Daniel 3:8-18

Exile and Return: “The God who is Always Worthy of Our Allegiance”

Daniel 3:8-18

 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 

I.  Principles for Worship

1. God alone is worthy of our allegiance (Daniel 3:8-15)

(Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17; Acts 5:29; 1 Chronicles 16:25; Psalm 96:4, 148:13)

 2. Worship flows from our trust in God to rescue (Daniel 3:16-18)

(Job 13:15; Romans 5:3-6)

II.  Truths about God’s Rescue:

1. God may rescue in this life (Daniel 3:29)

2. God’s rescue may not come in this life (Philippians 3:17-21)

3. God’s rescue is complete (Daniel 3:19-30)

4. God’s rescue is in Christ (Hebrews 12:2; Romans 5:8-11)

 Faith Sheet Questions for Family and Friends This Week

1. Read Daniel 3:8-18 with someone and review the message.

2. In what areas of life are Christians most likely to be criticized for obeying God rather than men?

3. How does our decision to worship God and God alone impact our mission to love God, love others and make disciples?

4. How would our willingness to die for our faith in Christ express God’s incomparable worthiness?

5. When is a time God has chosen not to deliver you from a trial, but meet you in the midst of the trial? How does realizing God’s presence change you when you face opposition?

6. End your time by having a person or two share about their personal eternal rescue in Christ with the group or family.

Series Information

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