Promised Land: The God of Unusual Victories

Promised Land: The God of Unusual Victories

April 30, 2017 | Todd Cyphers
Joshua 6:1-25


Promised Land: The God of Unusual Victories  

Joshua 6:1-5, 22-25

I.  God promises and gives victory. Joshua 6:1-5

     Deuteronomy 17:18-20           

     Deuteronomy 20:1-4                

     Joshua 1:5-9                               

II.  How do we daily live in the victory the Lord promised?

      Joshua 6:15-25      

Matthew 1:5-6 -  “Salmon was the father of Boaz by Rahab… Jesse was the father of David the king.” 

Faith Sheet - 4/30/17 

Monthly Memory Verse - Psalm 37:5 - “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it.”

Weekly Memory Verse - Psalm 34:8 - “O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”

Weekly Reading Plan - Joshua 5-6; Psalm 34; John 16     

For more reading and memorization options, go to

Reviewing This Past Sunday  

Promised Land: The God of Unusual Victories

Joshua 6:1-5, 22-25

1.  Has there ever been a time when the Lord Himself called you to do something that was different, odd, or felt a little ridiculous? What happened?

2.  What obstacles do the people of God sometimes today see as insurmountable?

3.  What are the benefits to us and others when we believe God is a Promise Keeper and we trust Him and His promises?

4.  Read Proverbs 21:31 and 24:6. Why are both these truths important when it comes to having victory?

5.  What is the significance of Jesus having a woman in His ancestry who was once a prostitute?

6.  It is easy for Christians to adopt an “us versus them” mentality with the world. How does God’s promise to save people—even among His enemies—change our mind-set? (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Ephesians 2:1-5) Pray for true success in loving God, loving others & making disciples.

Preparing for Next Sunday   

Promised Land: Private Sin and Hurting Others

1.  Read Joshua 7:1-15. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself and His truth.

2.  HIGHLIGHT a verse or truth and write it out.

3.  EXPLAIN the text in your own words to make sure you see the big picture of God’s Story. (Who wrote it, why was it written and to whom it was written? What is the context? How does the text point to the Father, Son or Spirit? What is said about our new identity as believers in Christ? What are we to be doing?)

4.  APPLY a truth from the text to your life. (Focus on what God is saying to you and what is your act of obedience, confession, praise, giving thanks, etc.)

5.  RESPOND in prayer and go live out what God reveals to you.




Series Information

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