12-11-11 The Value God Places on Mission Trips
December 11, 2011 | Todd Cyphers
Luke 10:1-16
The Value God Places on
Mission Trips
Luke 10:1-16
I. General truths concerning missions
1. The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few so we must pray.
2. We must be willing to suffer & even die if we are to fulfill the Great Commission.
3. There are “people of peace” planted in various places for the benefit of reaching the world
with the Gospel of Christ.
4. We are to be concerned with physical & spiritual healing.
5. We must be confident to declare God’s whole truth in order to see God fully work.
II. The value of Mission trips:
1. Cultivates new dependency
2. Fosters deeper obedience
3. Encourages simplicity under purpose
4. Aids our life purpose
5. Promotes prevailing prayer
6. Wakens us to spiritual war
7. Brings blessings to us & others
8. Nurtures satisfaction with God’s provisions
9. Bonds the sent & senders
10. God receives glory
III. What God is Doing Now
1. Here
Serve Erie
Adoption by Choice
City Mission
Second Harvest Food Bank
Women’s Care Center
Local—support families
2. USA
Assistance team
Support church starting
Mission Trip to Appalachian Mountains
Campus Ministries
Baptist Convention of PA/Southern Jersey
Disaster Relief
Deaf Community
Developing Believers
Multiplying Churches
Training up Pastors
Reaching unreached
Sending Missionaries
Collegiate Ministries
Baptist Builders
Baptist Nursing Fellowship
3. Overseas
Mission Trips
Unreached people
Africa 6000 (Drilling wells)
Hearts for the Hungry (Rice for Haiti)
Lauren Biebel—Philippines
Deaf School in the DR