Rejoicing over Mercy
July 15, 2012 | Todd Cyphers
Luke 13:10-17
Rejoicing over Mercy
Luke 13:10-17
~ Mercy is the free unmerited compassion of God in which He chooses to spare the unworthy of judgment or harm.
Genesis 19:12-22 Page #17
Romans 8:20 - “The creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope”
II. “Limitations” (Disabilities) reveal we live in a sinful world and that God is at work to produce a deeper work.
Romans 8:23 - …we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, …groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.
Psalm 119:67 -Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word.
III. Mercy marks God’s true children.
1. When we really see Christ and ourselves, we can best enjoy mercy
2. When God takes us from sinful, empty and broken places into places of healing and righteousness, we can best value mercy.
3. When God leaves a lasting reminder of His mercy, it is so we can best distribute mercy to others.
This week’s Transformation Scripture: Let your statement be, 'Yes’, or 'No’; anything beyond these is evil. Matt. 5:37 (NASB) (Cross Ref.- Prov. 17:27, 21:23, and Ps. 34:13)
Monday: July 16, Reflecting on Yesterday
1. Reread Luke 13:10-17 and review yesterday’s message with someone.
2. How merciful are you when people “let you down”?
3. Where or with whom do you need to grow in mercy and compassion?
4. Pray for yourself and others to live in mercy to glorify God.
Tuesday: July 17, Reflecting on this past Sunday
1. Read the following Scriptures and see what God reveals to you about Christ and His merciful compassion. (Mt. 9:36, 14:14, 15:32, 20:34, 23:37, Mark 1:41 and John 11:35)
2. Who has shown you mercy lately and what affect did it have on you?
3. Read Lamentations 3:22-23 and praise God for what He reveals to you.
Wednesday –July 18, Preparing for this Upcoming Sunday
1. Read Luke 13:18-21. What truths about God’s Kingdom do you find in the passage?
2. What do the mustard seed and the leaven have in common?
3. Why are the mustard seed and leaven good illustrations of God’s Kingdom?
Thursday – July 19, Preparing for this Sunday
1. How does one get into the
2. Read 1 Cor. 4:20. How should a Kingdom person be known?
3. Read Rev. 17:14 - How are Jesus and His Kingdom people described? How might these truths, if really grasped, affect our daily living at home and work?
Friday- July 20, Preparing for this Sunday
1. Read Mark 4:26-29. What else does Jesus want us to know about the Kingdom? (Use a commentary or bible notes if needed)
2. Why is it important to know that God works slowly at times, but always thoroughly?
Saturday- July 21, Preparing for tomorrow
1. Pray through the Lord’s Prayer and pray for others as God leads. (Matt. 6:9-13)