The Greatest Separation Part 2
January 13, 2013 | Todd Cyphers
Luke 16:19-31
The Greatest Separation Part 2
Luke 16:19-31 Page #1044
Todd Cyphers
I. Notes from last week:
1. 2 different lives
2. 2 different funerals
3. 2 different destinations
4. 2 useless requests
5. 2 important truths
A. Miracles cannot change stony hearts
B. God’s Word/Spirit does
II. Biblical truths concerning Hell
1. Eternal separation from God vs. 26
2. Eternal torment & dissatisfaction vs. 24,26
Rev. 14:11 - "… their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night…"
Matthew 25:41-46 Page #988
3. Eternal anger, shame & regret
Matthew 13:36-43
Daniel 12:2 - Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
4. Earned by rebellion
John 8:21-24 Page #1069
John 3:19-20
III. How did people go to heaven in the Old Testament?
1. God is the only God
Genesis 2:15-25 Page #2
2. Rebellion is death
Genesis 3:14-21
3. God saves by grace
Exodus 33:19 - "I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious"
4. Blood substitute as satisfaction
Leviticus 17:11 - "The life of the flesh is in the blood."
Rev. 13:8 - Jesus is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."
5. Righteousness given in repentance & faith
Genesis 15:6
2 Cor. 13:5 - Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?
1. Have I been delivered from my rebellion by “grace” alone, through “faith” alone, “in Christ alone”?
2. Is Christ my great treasure?
3. When I sin, do I grieve over hurting His name?
4. Am I passionate about living a “holy” life?
5. Is my life looking ever more Christ-like?
Family Faith Sheet
Transformation Verse- (Jesus said) "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much… Luke 16:10 (NASB) (CRefs.- Psalm 58:11, MT 6:4, Heb 10:23)
Monday 1-14-13 Reflecting on Yesterday
1. Read Luke 16:19-31. Discuss Sunday’s message with someone.
2. Is it difficult for you to believe in hell? Why or why not?
3. Why is it that so many Americans “believe” in hell, but do not believe they will be there? (Matt. 7:21-23)
4. Pray for anyone you think does not know Christ.
Tuesday 1-15-13 Reflecting on this Past Sunday
1. Read Luke 16:19-31 again. What is God saying to you through His Word?
2. Read Matt. 5:29-30. Put this truth in your own words. Why is this truth so crucial to learn early in life?
3. Read Matt. 10:28. How does one grow in this command?
4. Pray for more “Fear of God” to not be “scared” of Him or others.
Wednesday 1-16-13 Reflecting on this Past Sunday
1. Read Mark 9:42-49. What is repeated that is so important to Jesus?
2. If someone asks, “Why must hell be forever?” What would you say?
3. How does someone go to hell? Read John 8:24.
4. Pray for anyone the Lord brings to your mind.
Thursday 1-17-13 Preparing for this Upcoming Sunday
1. Read Luke 17:1-10. (Being A Slave of Christ Part 1)
2. What is the main point in your own words?
3. What characteristics do you notice that Jesus desires in us?
4. What does He tell us to avoid?
5. Pray for our maturity and our witness.
Friday 1-18-13 Preparing Ourselves for this Sunday
1. Read Luke 17:1-10 again.
2. What comes to mind when you hear the word “slave”?
3. What does it mean to be a “slave of Christ”? (See 1 Cor. 6:20, 7:23)
4. How does being His purchased “slave” and “child” motivate us to live daily for Him?
Saturday 1-19-13 Preparing for Tomorrow
1. Read Luke 17:1-10 one more time.
2. Pray for God’s people and anyone who comes to mind.