Planning For Our Later Years

Planning For Our Later Years

January 03, 2010 | Todd Cyphers
Luke 2:21-38

Planning for Our Later Years

Luke 2:21-38

1.      God’s people are to obey the Law of the Lord and the land

2.      There is always a remnant treasuring the Messiah.

         1 Kings 19:1                            Page #375

         Psalm 71:18                            Page #592

         2 Timothy 4:6-8                       Page #1192

         Hebrews 11:30-38                    Page #1205

I.   Seek “Godly & Great” aspirations as we grow older.

II.  Pray that the Holy Spirit’s ministry would be more visible as we grow older.

Questions for this week:

I.  For Starters:

  1. What concerns you the most about growing old(er)?
  2. What all do you hope to see in your later years that would keep you wanting to stay around for awhile?
  3. Do you have any fears or concerns about your later years?
  4. What is the best insight or advice you have ever received from an elderly person?

II. Overview of Scripture

  1. Read Luke 2:21-38. What do you observe by reading this section?
  2. Why did Jesus’ parents take Him to the temple? Vs 21-23
  3. Who was Simeon? Vs 25-27
  4. What characterized Simeon’s life? Vs 25, 27
  5. What did Simeon do with the baby Jesus? Vs 28-32
  6. What does Simeon know about this child? Vs 32
  7. Read the following Scriptures and notice what the Old Testament saints should have known.  (Isaiah 8:14, 42:6,49:6 and 52:10)
  8. Describe Anna. Vs 36-38
  9. Why is it significant that both Simeon and Anna are elderly and Godly?

 III. Growing deeper

  1. Review Sunday’s message with someone.
  2. How do you plan to live out your later years (“retirement”) so that Christ can be shown as your greatest treasure?
  3. Read the following Scriptures and write out whatever God shows you & what He expects from you IF you are given the later years of life.
  • James 4:13-17  -
  • Psalm 37:3-4 -
  • Psalm 71:18 –
  • Psalm 90:12 -
  • Acts 13:36 -
  • Philippians 1:6 -
  • 2 Timothy 4:6-8 -
  • Romans 8:31-35 -
  • Jude 24 -
  • Matthew 25:14-23 –
  • Matthew 28:18-20 –

    4.   Pray for one another that you will finish well, fight the good fight to the end and glorify Christ all the days of your life.




Series Information

Other sermons in the series

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