Being Truly Humble

Being Truly Humble

August 05, 2012 | Todd Cyphers
Luke 14:1-14

Being Truly Humble

Luke 14:1-14

Humility is confidence that is properly placed in God, not self.

Genesis 12:4-9  Page #11, 13:1-13,  18:16-19, Galatians 3:6-9  Page #1166

 I. We descend into greatness.

II. Chasing “position” & “recognition” leads to being disgraced.

James 4:6 … "God is opposed to THE PROUD..."

III. Humility will always get honored.

James 4:6 “…but gives grace to THE HUMBLE."

IV. Humility can be best seen in loving the least of these.

V. Humility proceeds from true Righteousness.



This Sunday’s Transformation Verse- Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth… Matt. 6:19  (CR- Psalm 49:10, Prov. 10:22, 23:5, 27:24 & Eccl 5:19

Monday, 8-6-12 - Reflecting on yesterday     

  1. Read Luke 14:1-14 and discuss Sunday’s message with someone.
  2. What were the religious leaders doing in vs. 1 and what was Jesus seeing in vs. 2? What does this say about Jesus and also the religious leaders?
  3. Why might Jesus have sent this man away in vs. 4? (see Matt 23:1-5)
  4. Read vs. 5- How did the Religious leaders view the Sabbath? How do you view Sunday? Is Sunday different for you and in what ways?
  5. Read vs.12-14. Why is it important to sometimes or often invite people into our lives and homes that cannot “repay” us?

 Tuesday, 8-7-12 - Reflecting on this past Sunday

  1. Read Matthew 25:31-46. What characterizes the true followers of Christ?
  2. In what ways are you and or your family engaging in the activities that Jesus honors in this passage? Pray God would increase these characteristics in your life.

 Wednesday, 8-8-12 - Reflecting on this past Sunday

  1. Read Matt. 18:1-11. If the man Jesus healed in Luke 14:4 became a child of God (a “little one in the faith”) why would Jesus protect him from these “religious” leaders?
  2. What would you say to those who say they stay in non-Biblical Churches because “my family goes there”?

 Thursday, 8-9-12 - Preparing for this Upcoming Sunday.

1. Read Luke 14:15-24. What is the main point of the passage?

2. What do you learn about the human condition?

3. What does God want us to enjoy and what does this mean in His culture? (16)

 Friday, 8-10-12 - Preparing ourselves for this Sunday

1. Read Luke 14:16 and Rev 3:20. What is God offering and why is this amazing?

2. When and how often do you sit with those you love to eat, communicate, laugh and share life? Is there a need in your life for more and if so, what could be done about it?

Saturday, 8-11-12 - Preparing for tomorrow

1. Read Luke 14:15-24 one more time. What excuses were used to not follow  God? What do they all have in common? Pray for yourself and tomorrow’s services as God leads you and for anyone you know making excuses toward God.

Series Information

Other sermons in the series

Nov 22, 2009

The Value of a Baby

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Dec 06, 2009

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Apr 04, 2010

A Perfect Savior

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Oct 10, 2010

Encountering God

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Oct 31, 2010

The Unique Gospel

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Oct 02, 2011

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Mar 25, 2012

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The Expectant Steward

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The Narrow Door

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