Why Did Jesus Work on the Sabbath? Luke 6:1-11

Why Did Jesus Work on the Sabbath? Luke 6:1-11

November 07, 2010
Luke 6:1-11

Why Jesus Worked On the Sabbath?

Luke 6:1-11



I.          The first Problem – Misunderstanding the Scriptures

1.      Biblical truth gets us ready for daily life & trials.

2.      Biblical truth prepares us to notice & confront false teaching.

3.      Biblical truth gives confidence & depth to our faith.

4.      Biblical truth leads us to worship God correctly & deeply.


II.         The second Problem – Misunderstanding the purpose of the Sabbath.

1.      The OT Sabbath was a “Rest” For Israel that pointed back to creation and to God’s sufficiency over Israel as a nation

Exodus 31:12-17                                 Page #91

Leviticus 25:1-22                                Page #131

2.      The NT Sabbath is that God’s people have been made “new creations” and are forever resting in the sufficiency of Christ.

Colossians 2:13-17                                     Page #1179


Questions for this week:

I.  For Starters:

  1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Sabbath”?
  2. What were you taught about the Sabbath when you were growing up that has stayed with you?
  3. What are some of your favorite ways to enjoy the “Lord’s day” (Sunday)?

II. Overview of Scripture

  1. Read Luke 6:1-11
  2. What were the disciples doing that so annoyed the self righteous Pharisees? (1-2)
  3. What was the Pharisees main beef?   (2)
  4. Describe Jesus’ response in your own words? (3-5)
  5. Why did Jesus use David as an example to the Pharisees?
  6. What did Jesus say about Himself and why is this so important? (5)
  7. What did Jesus response in verse 5 have to do with what the disciples were doing?
  8. When and where did Jesus decide to heal the man? (6)
  9. Why were the Pharisees watching Him? (7)
  10.  Though Jesus was being watched and he could have waited a few hours till the Sabbath was over, he healed the man immediately. Why? (5, 8-9)
  11. How did the Pharisees and religious teachers respond to the miracle Jesus did and what does this reveal? (11 )
  12. Why are religious people often so angry?

III. Growing deeper

1.         Review Sunday’s message with someone.


2.        Look and see what all happened on the “first day of the week” (Sunday and not Saturday the Old testament Sabbath) in the early church. Discuss what these Scriptures reveal.

a. Mark 16:9

b. Mark 16:11

c. John 20:27

d. Acts 2:1

e. Acts 20:7

f. 1 Corinthians 16:2

e. Revelation 1:10

3.        Why is it still good to take a day and rest even though we do not have to obey the Sabbath? Ecclesiastes 10:10, Mark 2:27 and Psalm 46:10

4.        Be honest with someone, why are you so busy, distracted or sidetracked when it comes to relaxing and resting in God? What are you going to do about it?

5.    Pray for one another.

Series Information

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